About Me

Hello.  My name is Michelle Sandoval.  I am currently enrolled at The University of Texas at El Paso part-time and I am a full-time employee with the university as well.  I first attended UTEP in the Fall of 1995 after I graduated from high school.  Like many,  I found myself not sure of my path in life and what was supposed to be a semester break turned into a fourteen year hiatus from my education.  During that time I worked in management in the food service industry, which lead me to banking full time for many years.  I also gave birth to two beautiful children who are my reason for existence and who motivate me every single day.  I parted ways with their father six years ago and have been a single parent every since.  Single motherhood is very challenging and requires a lot of discipline and routine.  From what I'm told from others, I seem to be pretty good at it.  Juggling the children and work has always been a challenge, but it's the only way of life the three of us seem to know.  Now that I have decided to pursue my education, more sacrifices have to be made.  However we all know that the rewards will be worth the struggle.   I've recently come into temporary custody of my 10 month old neice.  We've had her since the summer.  Her older brother has been going through some hard times so the family felt that it was the best interest of both children that their mother focus on getting her son on the right path.  It was this turn of events that lead me to the topic of Child Welfare.  With my research I hope to explore how the child welfare system works, from simple cases of investigation, to the most extreme cases of child neglect and abuse.